Space-time in the teaching of physics




space-time, teaching of physics, theory of relativity, secondary education


It has been more than a hundred years since the formulation of the Theory of Relativity, however, this and other topics of modern or current physics are still not included in school guidelines, such as the construct of space-time. School curricula must be updated to the forefront of science since from there new generations of scientists can be encouraged, so it is important to take into account the teaching of science in secondary school classrooms for scientific education, hence the need to include updated physics at these educational levels since the interpretation of space-time is essential for understanding the theory of relativity. Therefore, this article aims to generate a reflective analysis of the understanding and construction of space-time in physics and its link to secondary education, detailing its importance in the teaching of science in the classroom. To this end, a documentary review was carried out between 2012 and 2024 in the Scopus and Google Scholar databases, where finally 20 documents were reviewed that directly and indirectly contribute to the teaching of space-time in secondary education. Likewise, this review allows us to glimpse the effort that the academic community has made in addressing current topics in physics, thus recognizing that modern thinking must be present in the scientific training of the student.


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Author Biographies

Erick Rodolfo Ortiz Ibáñez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación. Grupo de Investigación Educación en Ciencias, Ambiente y Diversidad (EduCADiverso), Bogotá, Colombia

Rosa Nidia Tuay Sigua, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación. Grupo de Investigación Educación en Ciencias, Ambiente y Diversidad (EduCADiverso), Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

E. R. Ortiz Ibáñez and R. N. Tuay Sigua, “Space-time in the teaching of physics”, Cult. Científ. y Tecnol., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. E8-E19, Oct. 2024.



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