Teaching management for the development of numerical problem-solving skills in physics





numerical problem solving, understanding of the statement, metacognitive strategies, teacher intervention


Solving numerical physics problems in school is an extremely complex process in which teaching actions that promote the development of cognitive and metacognitive processes in Mexican students that support them in the process of learning how to learn and becoming autonomous students are essential. Due to the large number of factors involved in developing the ability to solve numerical problems, two have been chosen that are considered most relevant and where there is a clear scope of teacher influence: sentence reading comprehension and metacognition of the process. Starting on the theoretical justification based on the results of educational research, these are transformed from the abstract to the concrete and the emphasis is placed on an orientation in daily teaching practice through concrete actions and examples. Although the actions outlined here do not solve all the obstacles students face when solving numerical problems in physics, they constitute an element that promotes better metacognitive and cognitive performance. The work discussed in this article is aimed at high school students, however, the strategies mentioned here may be useful to students at various school levels in Mexico.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Oropeza Villalobos, Instituto de Educación Media Superior de la Ciudad de México

Docente tutora investigadora, Instituto de Educación Media Superior de la Ciudad de México, Plantel "Ricardo Flores Magón", Ciudad de México, México


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How to Cite

B. Oropeza Villalobos, “Teaching management for the development of numerical problem-solving skills in physics”, Cult. Científ. y Tecnol., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. E31-E39, Nov. 2024.



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