Organizational Culture Diagnostic of a Postgraduate engineering Institution using the Competing Values Framework
Corporative culture, Competing values, Organizational cultural assessment instrument OCAI, Administrative PersonnelAbstract
Facing the changing environmental conditions in Higher Education Institutions (HEI), organizational culture emerges as a crucial factor for adaptation and continuous success, particularly in engineering postgraduate programs. Given the lack of studies on organizational culture at TecNM/Cenidet, this research aims to characterize the perception of organizational culture among administrative staff in the engineering postgraduate center. The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) was employed on a sample of 31 administrators out of a population of 55. The reliability of the OCAI is supported by the Alpha-Cronbach coefficient and Bartlett's test of sphericity. The results reveal that the current dominant culture is Hierarchical (25.87 points), while the desired culture is Clan (25.41 points). Although, there is evidence of competing internal values in both cultural domains, as perceived by the participants.
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